Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Art Display 1

The Rockwall is an ongoing project with me right now. Where I am in relatioin to the blog doesn't always match up. but I am curently working on the Final Paintings for the book. So to give all you readers a treat I am going to give you preveiws of the finished paintings. This painting that I am releasing today was just finished. It is out of the center of the book but I hope you all enjoy. it is called...
"Finger Painting"

Click on the image to see a much larger comp of the painting.

Hope you all enjoyed.


Melissa McCue-McGrath, CPDT-KA said...

i really like this piece. it's interesting. it's dark and promising all at once. i like it.

Nestillia said...

This seems to be one of my favorite pieces of yours. I've seen your art a coupe of places online and this is picture is the one that intriegues me the most.